Fund Summary

The Fund will provide Investors the opportunity to select from different Investment Options, which each offer Investors the opportunity to invest in a single property development project identified by Solovey DM Services Pty Ltd or its related party (Solovey), a related party of the Investment Manager.

A supplemental information memorandum will be available for each Investment Option outlining the specific investment opportunity and the details of the offer.

Key Documents

Key Information


Vasco Custodians Pty Ltd

Investment Manager

Infinity Capital Funds Management Pty Ltd

Unit Price as at 31 May 2024

Sunbury – $1.00
Sunbury South – $1.00
Lake Narracan – $1.00
Greenvale – $1.00
Drouin -$1.00

Administration Manager

Vasco Fund Services Pty Ltd

Minimum Investment

Specified in the term sheet for the relevant option (Available to wholesale investors)

Reports and Updates

Further Information

Please contact the Investment Manager for further information